(per delegate)
Special Offer* Book 3 places, and the third place is FREE!
Please Note: Start time is 9.30am with tea and coffee served from 9.00am. Finish time 4.30pm
The 50 new ideas presented will re-envigorate you, your team and your membership development plans with fresh enthusiasm.
These annual ‘great ideas’ days are always a great motivating and teambuilding event—and really valuable if you have a planning day ahead. Bring your colleagues and gain extra momentum and buzz in your association for developing membership.
You will hear from two of the world’s leading membership thought leaders and experts who have travelled extensively to bring you the best ideas of what is happening around the world in membership and new trends on the horizon.
During the day there will also be ample time to reflect on the ideas and share, ask question and discuss issues with other delegates and presenters. You will leave with a list of valuable action points and many new contacts.
This is a relaxed and professional day when you can take a step back from your everyday routine and be exposed to new thinking. The Great Ideas Day creates a space in the calendar to be exposed to many new ideas that will raise the value of your membership.
If you can, we highly recommend you bring colleagues, because it will help you get more out of the day. These annual ‘great ideas’ days are always a great teambuilding event.
Keep-up-to-date and stay ahead with the best of the very latest member recruitment and retention ideas from around the world. Guest co-presenter is US membership expert, Mark Levin.
This is a great day to top-up your knowledge and skills. It compliments Sue’s regular membership seminars.
Don’t develop your plan without taking a look at the latest trends and the best of what associations have been doing.
The ideas always have a wide appeal – some will appeal to those working on strategy, others are highly practical and tactical that you can implement immediately.
It is a great day to enthuse and immerse everyone involved in membership, both full time staff and elected members. Follow-up with a planning day and end up with a great, inclusive plan that everyone understands. Launch your plan to a great start – one that the team has fully bought into! What a result! (There is a special 3 for 2 offer so that you can bring other colleagues involved in the planning or delivery process.)
There are four separate round table discussion sessions built into the day, so you get the chance to meet other delegates and hear what they have to say. These are great opportunities to ask, listen and learn, then swap cards so you can follow-up and keep-in-touch.
Those new to a role in membership, find the day a great way to find out about the landscape of the support network and resource facilities available for membership professionals.
Book 3 places, and the third place is free!
Co-presenter Mark Levin is a world leading expert in membership. He has written several books, is a regular international conference speaker and has an impressive lists of association clients.
Mark’s books include: Managing the Membership Experience; Retention Wars – The New Rules of Engagement; Millennium Membership – How To Attract & Keep Members in the New Marketplace; Membership Development – 101 Ways to Get & Keep Your Members; The Gift of Leadership – How to Rekindle the Volunteer Spirit in the 21st Century. His clients include the American Medical Association, the National Education Association and the US Chamber of Commerce.
Smart Impact are experts in providing and supporting CRM systems for membership organisations. Their SmartMembership product is powered by Microsoft Dynamics and combines the latest technology with industry best practice to drive your organisational strategy and deliver the optimum membership experience.
It provides you with a central source for all member data and activity; allows all departments to input into and view data in one system; and enables you to develop a rounded view and better understanding of your members.
Page Lizard is a mobile publishing platform which empowers content creators to author once and distribute across apps, webviewers, social and media channels. This helps membership organisations create engaging mobile content and apps which enhance members’ experience and appeal to younger audiences and new members as well as helping engage and retain existing members. They have helped many membership organisations achieve instant results at a small cost with no impact on their internal teams.
Chord UK are telemarketing specialists who work with membership organisations to identify your best prospects, accelerate recruitment and learn more about your existing members. They integrate dialogue, insights and data services.
Pixl8 have many years experience creating websites, self service portals and personalised experiences for professional associations, trade bodies and regulators. They take projects through strategy, design, development, membership system integration and long term support. They follow a proven methodology to engage your staff and member representatives to identify audience needs, develop personas and prioritise. Their creative team will work to develop wire frames and the project managers will work to develop a detailed specification for fixed cost project delivery.
Think!Sponsorship provide sponsorship advise, training, consultancy and intelligence to sponsorship seekers from across the sports, arts, charity, entertainment, broadcast, local council, music & media sectors. They have special expertise in working with a range of membership organisations. On the day sponsorship expert Catherine Hawkins will be on hand to help answer all your questions about sponsorship.